Saturday, April 18, 2009

Too much going on NOT to start a new blog

It's been a couple of years since I blogged about daily trials and tribulations of raising my boys, and I'm way overdue.

I'll try to post SOMETHING a couple times a are my challenge right now, so don't know how often I'll get around to those.

Recent happenings.....

"Mom, Mrs Anderson lied to me!"
"What did she say?"
"If I'm really quiet I can hear God. I was really really quiet and I didn't hear anybody!"
(Caden, of course)

Caden again....
"Mommy, I had to go pee really bad on the bus, and I couldn't hold it!!!!" as he comes stumbling down the stairs off the bus.
"Did you pee your pants?"
"No way!" as he pulls out his water bottle from his lunch box....full of pee!
I can picture him balls-deep in that water bottle on the bus. I can't believe he pulled it off without anyone noticing.....especially the bus monitor!

Bennett is a total lover....always hugging, kissing, snuggling with me. He ALWAYS says, "Mommy, you're so pretty, you're my princess, and a balarina, and a dancer."
(A dancer????? Are you kidding me???? I keeping telling my sweet little Bennett to stop saying that in public. People are going to get the wrong idea of this old lady!)

"Mommy, Caden is the bad child, right?"

May your day be filled with sunshine :o)
Ciao for now!


  1. Oh my goodness! Thank you so much for the new blog! That just brought tears to my eyes as I was laughing at the pee on the bus story! :) I'm so happy to see that the Betz boys are still being their crazy selves! :)

  2. It's been too long since we've heard all the crazy Betz stories of normal life. Man does it make my life sound boring. haha Just wondering when we might be able to see the whole family again. Until those days...the blog will have to do. Thanks for sharing. :)
